Want to make a difference? Please support the Agency-Based Education mission with a modest monthly pledge to help us cover our expenses and continue to bring you conferences and content promoting freedom-based solutions to education issues.

As we expand operations, your tax deductible contributions help promote true principles of education.

How will your money be used? As we have funding available, it will be used as follows:

  • Help cover costs of conferences
  • Costs of actual operations (website, podcast, etc…)
  • Radio and Facebook ads
  • Video production
  • Travel expenses for speakers we bring in to conferences
  • Production costs
Contribution Level (click support level to sign up) Benefit
Contributor ($2/mo) Join Now The satisfaction of supporting a great cause
Supporter ($5/mo) Join Now Plus: Sleep well at night
Bronze ($10/mo) Join Now Plus: 1 ticket to our annual conference
Silver ($20/mo) Join Now 2 tickets to our annual conference
Gold ($50/mo) Join Now 4 tickets to our annual conference
Platinum ($100/mo) Join Now 8 tickets to our annual conference

As a registered 501(c)3, your contributions to Agency Based Education are tax deductible except for the portion that is used to provide you a free ticket to the annual conference. If you decline to attend the conference, your full donation is deductible. If you attend, then the cost of your ticket(s) to attend should be removed before calculating your tax return deduction.

We thank you for your support at whatever level you are able to contribute.


Oak Norton
Executive Director

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