Modern science has made our lives more productive, more convenient, more intellectually fulfilled. But certain scientific theories concerning our origins are being promoted as science fact, and are at odds with traditional values, causing serious harm to the rising generation. When we consider the full breadth of scientific evidence, theories once said to be “as […]

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David O. McKay wrote that character is the aim of true education. Will the current social-justice based character education of the public schools furnish our children with the moral courage to preserve their God-granted rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? How would real character education bless your child? Tiffany Mouritsen Hess is […]

Read more – Tens of millions of Americans owe a combined $1.5 trillion in debt for student loans. Much of this staggering expense has been unnecessary; attending college is more of a tradition — a cultural rite of passage — than a necessary step towards a successful career, justifying its steep cost. As countless entrepreneurs and […]

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Thought and emotional management are spiraling out of control. Anxiety, depression, and hopelessness are on the rise. This generation will get better traction when they learn how to activate and gain control of the inner function of their visualization and language powers. The inner workings of their thoughts and feelings influence their decision-making and ultimately […]

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Have you struggled to feel confident in exploring education options for your children? Have you wondered what might happen to them if you took a risk and tried something that might not work out like you expect? Every child is unique and deserves your best efforts at educating them according to their own needs. Yet […]

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Utah State School Board Member Alisa Ellis speaks from the heart on staying involved in important issues.

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Troy believes that the church can no longer shrink away from government or any of the spheres  that influence our culture. His political philosophy “Voting With  A Kingdom Mindset” His goal is to inspire and activate Christians, to use the power of  effectual fervent prayer, the powers of the vote, to promote honest and upright […]

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There comes a time when you look around for someone else to take charge, come up with a great idea, or even just make something happen; but as you look around, there isn’t anyone else there. It then becomes clear that if you want to see it happen, it might just have to be you. […]

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Lisa Cummins is currently on the Utah State Board of Education, representing District 11. Last September Lisa was invited to participate in the Moms March for America, and was invited to speak at the first MomTalks hosted by Moms for America on Constitution Day this year. She has had articles written and published, with her […]

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This presentation briefly sets the stage for several brainstorming workshops. Everything that happens in education has both an explicit and an implicit message to students. Helping families understand their options based on what is being transmitted is critical to student success and happiness.

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