All the time we hear how teachers need more money. Money spent on education has tripled in my lifetime but we certainly aren’t getting more “bang for our buck” from the education system. More importantly, are parents even getting what we want?

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David O. McKay wrote that character is the aim of true education. Will the current social-justice based character education of the public schools furnish our children with the moral courage to preserve their God-granted rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? How would real character education bless your child? Tiffany Mouritsen Hess is […]

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There comes a time when you look around for someone else to take charge, come up with a great idea, or even just make something happen; but as you look around, there isn’t anyone else there. It then becomes clear that if you want to see it happen, it might just have to be you. […]

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You have the best interests of your child at heart, don’t you? Well, the state isn’t so sure of that anymore. More and more, the state is using the education system to edge you out in the business of making decisions about your children’s lives. From the rejection of parental rights in the federal government’s […]

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Which type of education is best for your child? How do you decide? How do you find the courage to take action on what you know is best? Come learn tips for deciding which education flavor is best for your child. Explore a tool for developing intuitive skills. Learn about principles that will help you […]

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Getting teens off the couch and onto greatness! There is a formula for success in education and the secret lies in the freedom principle. Discover how to inspire your children in self-mastery, creativity, life-long learning and entrepreneurship.Ali Cannon Eisenach is the great-great-great granddaughter of George Q. Cannon and is passionate about carrying on his vision […]

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How School Stole Your Flow Reprinted with permission. Attribution at end. In the Book of Genesis, God condemns Adam and his descendants to a life sentence of hard labor. Previously, Adam and Eve had dwelled in the Garden of Eden, plucking fruit from the Tree of Life and wanting for nothing amid what economists call […]

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In recent years, business leaders have shown an increasing interest in K-12 education policy, organizing an increasing number of advocacy groups to promote education reforms. The members of these influential groups have become prominent voices in education policy, commanding the attention of government and education leaders and influencing decisions that previously were reserved to locally […]

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