Audrey’s speech was a personal favorite of mine from our November 2013 conference. She spoke on the topic of moving from opinion based living, to principle based. It is an excellent talk and I highly recommend it for anyone looking to live a life of principle. Her presentation notes are below the video. I highly recommend you check out her website as well.

Audrey RindlisbacherAudrey Rindlisbacher has a liberal arts Bachelor’s degree and is pursuing a Master of Arts in Education at Harrison Middleton University. She currently teaches study skills and literature at George Wythe University. She has spoken often about governmental and educational issues on radio programs, at rally’s, conventions and other venues. She is the author of the popular “Principles of Liberty” course and the Lost Educational Principles articles. Audrey is also the co-founder of the Ten Boom Institute which helps individuals and families “Build Character Through the Classics” with their “What to Read” video blog, “How to Read” Video Trainings, and Character Building Reading Programs.

Characteristics of True Principles:

  1. Foundational idea upon which behavior is based
  2. True for all people, all the time
  3. Creates greater freedom for the individual and society
  4. Enlightens the understanding
  5. Enlarges the soul
  6. Empowers
  7. Increases desire for good—in thoughts, behavior, environment and relationships
  8. Generates growth, enlivens
  9. Increases health and wholeness
  10. Expands your mind, brings new connections and ideas
  11. Creates win/win situations

Principles of an Agency-Based Education:

  1. Must be based in choice and not compulsion
  2. Helps develop an internal moral compass as one fosters a recognition and love of truth
  3. Recognizes that truth best inspires when sought from original source materials
  4. Should be individualized to allow children to identify and develop their gifts and talents and discover their life’s missions
  5. Must recognize that parents have the sovereign stewardship to guide their children’s educational journey

Principle Checkpoints:

  1. God and/or Natural Law
  2. Your scripture or standard of truth
  3. Conscience
  4. Your experience—long term
  5. The experience of others—long term

From Opinion to Principle by Audrey Rindlesbacher

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