Universal Flood from a Universal Model of Science

In this podcast I talk with Dean Sessions, the founder of the Universal Model of science (which turns long established science on its head). This enormous project has taken 27 years to complete and crosses all the sciences. Three volumes totaling over 2,000 pages are in the works and volume one was just recently released. It explains a universal flood by virtue of the earth being a hydroplanet instead of filled with magma. A broad set of topics cover earth science, evolution, geology, weather, time, energy, chemistry, the universe and much more.

The Universal Model Book 1 (discount code below)

The first few chapters of the book establish a wonderful foundation for how to approach learning and the sciences. Chapters 1-4 cover aspects of the Universal Model and chapters 5-9 cover the earth system. Things such as magma and rock cycle pseudotheories, the hydroplanet model, the universal flood model, and the weather model. The first four chapters are not particularly long but the discussion is fruitful in helping people understand the principled approach Dean and his team took to this science.

Later chapters are quite lengthy and cover an amazing spectrum of research, evidences, and statements by scientists.

With permission from Dean, I am posting this wonderful diagram from page 13 in chapter 1 of the book, which shows how knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence interact in learning.

The learning process - universal model

Answering the 6 basic questions and breaking it up this way makes a lot of sense. You gain core knowledge by answering the who, what, where, and when questions, and wisdom (application) by answering the how and why questions.  As a person gains understanding about physical characteristics of things, and comprehension about the intangible components showing how and why they interact in the earth systems, together it brings increased intelligence, or light and truth (knowledge of things as they were, are, and will be). Then you start the process over again with a higher level of learning. It’s a great model to demonstrate how learning advances.

Don’t miss this podcast and be sure to visit Dean’s website, www.universalmodel.com. Check out the events listed at the bottom of Dean’s page. On Wednesday, December 7th, there is a free stream of a presentation Dean will make in Las Vegas (8 pm PST, 7 pm MST) through his Facebook page, and he will be in Utah doing presentations on 12/8 and 12/9. Dean has also graciously agreed to give ABE members a 25% discount on the digital edition of the book if you put “ABE” in as a code at checkout.


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  • John Brown

    Thanks for sharing this. It’s very exciting. I googled “water under the earth’s crust” and found surprising articles published in scientific journals about more water being in the mantle than the oceans.

    But I have a question.

    The universal flood model suggests a comet slowed the earth’s spin for a temporary period as it zoomed past, reducing the centrifugal forces acting on the crust. As the crust moved back toward the center of earth’s gravity, it forced water out of the earth’s deeper layers.

    Here’s the question: if the centrifugal forces were lessened, they would have been lessened for material in the mantle as well, right? So why wouldn’t the mantle, including the water there, move toward the core as well and keep its same position relative to the crust? What’s the explanation for the crust and water below it switching places when the same force is acting on them?

    Was that answered in the lecture you attended?

    • Oak Norton

      John, I don’t know all the answers to how this works as I haven’t gotten to that chapter in the book. It wasn’t explained in the lecture I attended because that was a whirlwind tour of what they’ve done. I think the idea is just that when the rotation of the earth was disrupted, it caused a lot of upheaval and solids are heavier than liquids so the liquids came up and the solids sank. In Genesis it says the fountains of the deep opened up, so that would finally make sense if the earth is full of water. The book has a chapter on the hydroplanet model which is 250 pages explaining this. There’s a lot of evidence but I haven’t gotten to that chapter yet.

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